Saturday, February 27, 2010

Get Rid of a Yeast Infection Naturally - Does Apple Cider Vinegar Work?

You can get rid of a yeast infection naturally, but, there are tons of natural remedies out there, apple cider vinegar is just one. But as a home remedy for yeast it is very popular. Here, you'll discover why, and, how to use it to get rid of a yeast infection naturally.
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The Candida yeast-like flora that causes your infection resides in most of us without causing any problems usually. And this is down to your body's 'friendly' bacteria keeping the Candida in check. It is only when the good bacteria fails to do this that the Candida 'overgrows' into an infection.

Now most women with yeast symptoms head straight for their doctor, or, the pharmacy to get antifungal medication which is applied directly to the site of the infection. And although this is sufficient for most women, many find that their infection is very difficult to eliminate, or, their symptoms clear-up but return each time they cease the medication. We call this recurring yeast infections.

So many women in these circumstances try to get rid of their yeast infection naturally, without drugs. And there are many natural remedies for yeast infection out there, some better than others. And, although some might work for some women, they might not be effective for others. So you basically have to find which one(s) work for you.

A popular home remedy that you might want to try, to get rid of a yeast infection naturally, is apple cider vinegar. This seems to be rather popular today, although it has been used over the centuries as a natural treatment for many ailments, including Candida.

But it must be raw, unpasteurised, un-distilled apple cider vinegar to be of any benefit. Because of the fermentation process used to make it, it contains beneficial things like; trace elements, minerals, amino acids, enzymes, vitamins, etc.

So that apart from helping to re-balance body pH to offset the Candida, it's also very good for improving your overall health position, also good in the fight against yeast infection.

You can generally use it in 3 ways; drink it, douche with it, bathe in it...

As a drink just add 2 teaspoons in a glass of cold water and drink 3 time a day. This helps fight the Candida in your intestines and improve you health. For the local symptoms like vaginal yeast infection, you can douche using 2 tablespoons in 2 quarts of warm water. Or, you can simply add 2 cups of raw apple cider vinegar to a low, warm bath and sit in it for at least 20 minutes.

Many women who have used this to get rid of a yeast infection naturally, sing it's praises. Others haven't found it to be as good as they thought. Part of the reason could be that these others didn't use raw, unpasteurised apple cider vinegar. You probably won't get it at the supermarket; you'll need to go to the health food store.
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But as I said earlier, it's only one of a ton of natural remedies out there. And, as well as getting rid of the yeast infection symptoms, you need to address the underlying issues that can actually 'trigger' the Candida overgrowth. These are things like diet, lifestyle, medications, medical conditions, etc.

To learn how to do all this, go to where you can discover the facts on how thousands of women worldwide are successfully getting rid of their yeast infection naturally, some in as little as 12 hours.

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