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Thursday, April 29, 2010
4 Important Facts About Your Acne Condition
Before we proceed, let me reveal 4 of the most important facts that you need to know regarding your acne in order to fully understand the nature of acne and what really needs to be done in order to fully control and eliminate its rooted cause and related symptoms for good.
Fact #1:There Is an Overload of Conflicting Information and Often Ineffective Advice on How To Treat Acne
If you suffer from any type of acne, it is highly likely that you have been bombarded by so much conflicting advice about how to treat acne that it becomes truly confusing! Believe me, I understand!
Some acne "gurus" tell you to avoid all fruits, soy and carbs, others tell you that soy is actually good for your health and that eating whole grains and some fruit wouldn't interfere with your acne healing process. Some say vitamin B-5 is excellent; others say avoid that at all costs. Some say benzoyl peroxide is great for treating acne, others tell you it can actually aggravate your condition. Some say the only way to cure acne is to apply a clear skin diet, others say diet is not a factor when it comes to curing acne, probiotics are. I can give you a dozen more examples but you get the point.
All these so-called acne "experts" make arguments that sound completely logical. But who the heck are you supposed to believe? Well, the Acne No More program is the result of more than 7 years of documented 30,000 hours of clinical research and thousands of dollars spent on experiments and trial and error. The program has already helped thousands of acne sufferers worldwide to achieve permanent acne freedom if followed correctly and the written and audio testimonials you can hear and see on this page are not accidental. I have worked hard for more than a decade to separate the wheat from the chaff to give you the knowledge and power to take action without suffering from confusion that cause procrastination with a safe and effective plan.
Fact #2:Acne Drugs And Antibiotics Can Make Your Acne Worse
Acne medication is not the solution to acne. By prescribing acne medications time and time again, your dermatologist is making your acne and your health worse in the long run, without even knowing it. Suffering from the pain and frustration and embarrassment of acne can sometimes be a tempting situation to visit the dermatologist and legally acquire medications to treat your acne from the many options available.
You can take antibiotic acne medications (mainly Tetracycline and Minocycline) that mainly work by decreasing inflammation and fighting bacteria- a very partial and destructive solution that works short term. You can take Adapalene - an acne medication that helps control acne and prevent breakouts, but works short term and can result in nasty side effects or you can take acne steroids or Accutane: a very strong acne medication (form of Vitamin A) prescribed only in severe cases on acne, infamous fro its serious and side effects.
Steroids are aiming at reducing inflammation caused by acne. In the process steroids place significant stress on your liver. By stressing your liver, steroids, severely damage your internal system, the delicate foundation responsible for ensuring lasting acne free skin.
It is important to know that no matter what your dermatologist tells you, taking acne medications and steroids of any kind to treat your acne will:
1.Significantly damage your internal system and destroy your natural internal balance.
2.Will not cure your acne or prevent/fix the ‘environment’ responsible for acne formation.
3.Make your acne and your health worse in the long run.
Fact #3: Creams, Cleansers and Other Topicals Cannot Cure Acne.
Cleansers, creams and other topicals are designed to tackle the symptoms of acne, not the real cause. Topical acne treatments is a general name for all prescription and over the counter products that are applied on the skin, rather than taken orally. Topical treatments for acne include all creams, gels, liquids, lotions and powders.
The most commonly used but not necessarily the best topical acne treatments include: Benzoyl Peroxide (that has the ability to reduce acne symptoms by killing the acne bacteria and helping unblock the sebum glands pores.), Retinoids, which are an acne medication aimed at treating blackheads and whiteheads by unblocking the sebum gland's pores and topical antibiotics.
After more than 7 years of research and after experimenting with every known topical acne treatment available on the market, I can honestly and confidently say that there is no topical acne treatment that can actually cure your acne. While, there are several topical treatments that may significantly alleviate the symptoms of acne, since acne is not an external problem with your skin but an external manifestation of an deep internal problem, topical treatments regardless off how powerful they may be, only serve as band aids by masking the symptoms.
The only way to overcome your acne challenge, regardless of the type of acne you have or the level of severity, is by fixing the internal cause of acne using holistic all natural methods that tackle the root cause of acne and not by applying topical acne treatments.
Fact #4: Acne is Not Normal But a Warning Signal of A Serious Inner Imbalance.
Let's make this clear: Acne is not a problem with your skin. Acne is an internal and systematic problem. It's a symptom of a disorder that effects your whole body and manifests as acne. Since our bodies are designed to protect us against the skin infection such as acne, it is simply a big warning sign that something is WRONG inside your body. and that needs to be corrected. Failing to diagnose and fix this problem in a timely manner can results is far more severe and chronic symptoms and disorders (as I explain later) which can seriously danger your health and well-being.
"Acne No More "
The Only Holistic Acne System In Existence That Will Teach YOU How To Permanently Cure Your Acne, End The Breakouts, Rebalance Your Body and Achieve The LASTING Clear Skin You Deserve!
"Acne No More System" (ANMS) is a 220 page clear skin success downloadable e-book, jam-packed cover to cover with all the secret clear skin methods, unique powerful techniques and the step-by step holistic acne system I've discovered in over 7 years of acne research. This program contains all the information you'll ever need to eliminate your acne permanently without creams and without using drugs and without any side effects.
Acne No More (TM) Is Completely Unique and Different From Any Other Information Source Or Acne Solution Because...
* Acne No More (TM) is Customizable for Your Unique Condition Every person is completely different. That's why the Acne No More system includes guidelines as to how you can customize the strategies and methods for your unique situation. You will be taught, step-by-step, how to be your own 'scientist' and detect subtle factors within your own body that need attention while working with the plan to overcome your acne.
* Acne No More (TM) is a Lifetime Solution As It Helps You To Permanently Prevent not Just Deal With Acne Rather than fully empowering you, most methods offer coping strategies on how to eliminate acne once it occurs. Acne No More will show you a unique set of protocols that can free you from ever having acne again, if followed correctly. The program delivers LASTING results. By using the correct approach found in the program, you will never have to suffer from another acne related symptom in your lifetime.
* Acne No More (TM) Was Authored By a Real Acne Sufferer.
For more than 12 years I suffered from recurring often severe acne and skin related disorders. These are not theories written by some science geek that never suffered from acne in his life. I used this system myself and still follow it as we speak. I practice what I preach. Everything you will read and apply was written from a personal perspective, research and experience without any technical jargon.
* Acne No More (TM) is Interactive: The Program Shows You Exactly How to Overcome Your acne WHILE You Follow It.
As Soon As You Start Following The Methods in The Program: You Will Immediately See Results. With Acne No More, you will start noticing dramatic positive results almost instantaneously as you start following the techniques in the program and the more you advance with the program, the more you will feel empowered.
* Acne No More (TM) is Practical, Not Demanding and Difficult and it Works FAST Many acne programs are very demanding, difficult, and sometimes downright unrealistic. The Acne No More TM system is very practical. It's easy to naturally incorporate into your current lifestyles. You will not have to go too far out of your way to follow the instructions, nor will you have to make unreasonable commitments to outrageous and absurd regimes or schedules.
* Acne No More (TM) is Easy to Understand and Logically Laid Out Don't worry about not knowing much about human anatomy, psychology or medical terminology. I wrote the Acne No More plan with the layperson in mind. It is presented in an easy-to-understand language and an easy-to-follow, logical and organized format.
* Acne No More (TM) is Continually Updated I learn new things every single day from continued research, testing and experimentation. I also get a lot of ideas as to how I can improve Acne No More from the men and women that I counsel. I am therefore constantly in the process of refining and perfecting Acne No More. These updates, no matter how extensive, are made available to my previous customers for absolutely free!
* Acne No More (TM) Offers Exclusive Personal One-On-One Counseling The Acne No More system is the ONLY acne cure system in existence that offers FREE professional private email counseling and support from a nutrition specialist and a 7 year medical researcher with proven clinical experience. Let me ask you, how many more acne treatments will offer you this kind of professional, personal and direct help, reassurance and support?
Click here to download your instant copy now
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