Tuesday, April 27, 2010

"Permanent Weight Loss" – The Importance of Continuing With a Good Diet After Losing Weight

Achieving weight loss has become the prime objective for many in this day and age. This is due to the fact that it is such a big cosmetic requirement as well as a health necessity these days. With a wide variety of proven weight loss diet programs to choose from, the main challenge that many are now faced with is retaining their weight loss results. Dietitians have always been vocal in reminding people that reaching their weight loss goal should not spell the end of their healthy diet. There will still be a need for them to continue with eating and living healthy if there is any hope of retaining the results from losing weight. The process involved with retaining ones weight loss results is what will be addressed below in this article.

Following through with a weight loss plan makes no sense if after losing the desired pounds -- a person regains it equally as fast like an elastic band that has been released. There has to be a plan that is put in place that ensures that the lost weight does not return. For this reason, a person who has lost weight must pay continued attention to the total calorie intake, the frequency of meals consumed, and the overall nutritional balance in much the same way the focus was at the beginning of the weight loss plan.

That is why a regime of proper dieting should be continued immediately following weight loss, in order to preserve the results from the pounds shed. At this stage, the struggle of giving up certain foods or resisting the temptation to visit a favorite fast food joint would have already been placed under control. Once that battle between the mind and the body, or we can call it the struggle between indulgence and reason, has already been won, keeping up that necessary diet may not be difficult. This is because the body can be easily trained at this stage into getting accustom to the healthy long-term diet pattern which should follow.

The importance of continuing with a healthy diet plan immediately following weight loss can never be overemphasized. If at this stage a person reverts to eating those foods that were avoided while focusing on achieving weight loss -- it will only be a matter of time before such an individual is brought back to square one. The results obtained from weight loss would then be neutralized by this. It would be like a former alcoholic picking up the bottle again. So, when setting a weight loss goal, weight maintenance should be as much a part of the goal as the amount of weight you are hoping to shed.

Looking for a good weight loss program? Try http://www.stroompje.nl/health.htm

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