Friday, April 30, 2010

Yeast Infection No More - How To Cure A Yeast Infection Naturally

Leslie J Waler

A vaginal yeast infection is caused by Candida albicans, a fungus that is normally found in small quantity in the women´s genital area. Three out of four women are afflicted with this infection in their lifetime and most of them are in their menopausal stage due to the declining estrogen levels that thin the vaginal walls. Here are some tips on how to cure a yeast infection naturally that you may find helpful.

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It is highly recommended to drink lots of water everyday; this will result to frequent urination, thus enabling the body to flush out the sugars that feed the yeast. Aside from that, water can also greatly lessen the chances of acquiring any types of illnesses.

Garlic doesn´t just effectively lower blood pressure and reduces bad cholesterol, it is also considered to be a great help on how to cure a yeast infection naturally. Studies have shown that when garlic tabs or a garlic clove are inserted to the vagina every few hours it will definitely provide relief.

Yogurt can amazingly combat this infection, actually it is said to be the number in the list when it comes to treating vaginal yeast infection naturally. This is due to the reason that it contains good bacteria that are very helpful in fighting this infection. It can be used both internally and externally as well. It is best to eat yogurt before meals due to the good bacteria that it will provide to aid in digestion, just make sure to buy unsweetened yogurt since sugar feeds the yeast.

Apple cider vinegar is yet another effective way on how to cure a yeast infection naturally. Just like the garlic, it can also be used both internally and externally as well. However, take note that it is very strong and so it is not recommended to be applied directly on the skin.

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