Thursday, March 14, 2013

Avoiding premature ejaculation is easy!

Overcoming premature ejaculation, controlling ejaculation and spreading sexual energy around the body is a way to achieve erotic ecstasy. To avoid PE you will have to develop your control, staying power and erotic sensitivity. Premature ejaculation can deplete your sexual energy reserves, and it certainly does not make you feel good; with ejaculatory control will come multiple orgasms, sexual energy flowing freely between you and your partner, amd extraordinary staying power. Some men are naturally gifted with immense erotic energy, great sensitivity and a high degree of mental control. This can lead to non-ejaculatory orgasm after just a few weeks of ejaculation control; other men take longer. To control your sexual energy and to avoid ejaculation, premature or otherwise, breathe as deeply as you can in a relaxed way. Breathing is thought to be an involuntary act, but it can be conscious, too; we breathe without thinking until we change the natural rhythm of our breath. Breathing slowly can slow down the heart and fast breathing can speed it up. During sex, when you approach ejaculation, your heart speeds up tremendously. Slowing down your breath slows down your heart, taking you away from the danger of ejaculation occurring before you wish it to happen. Most people breathe superficially at the level of the thorax – this leads to poor oxygenation of the lungs. Abdominal breathing fills our lungs with air; we can do this by choice, and when we are happy and we laugh, we breathe abdominally. And it’s a crucial part of avoiding premature ejaculation! Inhale through your nose and feel how the lower part of your abdomen becomes filled with air, so that your navel is pushed outwards. Your diaphragm will go down. Exhale forcefully through your mouth, so that the lower part of your abdomen is pulled back, as if you want to move your navel towards your spine. You can feel how your penis and testicles are drawn upwards. A few minutes of abdominal breathing every day will make your body breathe deeply automatically, naturally, even as you sleep. And as I said, for a man to know how to avoid premature ejaculation, this type of breathing is essential. It also expands the erotic sensations through your entire body. Once you can avoid ejaculation your breathing exercises will help the sexual energy circulate throughout your body. Then it can be transformed into loving mental and powerful spiritual energy. Further, abdominal breathing relieves the pressure most men experience in the pelvis when they are avoiding premature ejaculation. (All beginners at sexual continence, who avoid orgasm, feel this accumulation of sexual energy in the pelvic area. The energy needs to be disspated to avoid irritability, confusion, and edginess.) If you want very concrete techniques to overcome ejaculation without control and simple exercises set out in a step by step guide I recommend Ejaculation By Command for more information and techniques. This is all about avoiding loss of ejaculation control and for a man who wants to learn how to last longer in bed, avoiding rapid ejaculation in the process, it is an excellent place to start.

1 comment:

  1. The squeeze technique is a good way to slow down a speedy ejaculator. Pre-mature ejaculation can have a lot to do with age, but you're right, it is very much a learned experience. In the meantime, I would recommend you try the "squeeze technique" with him. I'll include a link, but basically what's involved is that when he feels as if he's about to come, he tells you and you grab the base of his penis at his belly and squeeze it hard. Normally that will shut down his pre-mature ejaculation and give him time to recover before he starts thrusting again.

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